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Business Owner and Self-Employed Home Loan Programs

For many business owners and self-employed professionals, the journey to homeownership can feel convoluted due to their unique financial profiles. Traditional mortgages often cater to those with regular W-2 income, leaving a significant portion of the population grappling with alternative…

How a Mortgage Broker Can Shop for Private Mortgage Insurance

A mortgage broker is a professional who acts as an intermediary between borrowers and lenders to help secure the best mortgage terms for their clients. While mortgage insurance is typically associated with loans where borrowers put down less than 20%,…

Understanding and Calculating Debt-to-Income Ratio

What is DTI? DTI stands for Debt-to-Income Ratio, a crucial financial metric used by lenders and individuals to assess one's ability to manage debt responsibly. It represents the percentage of a person's gross monthly income that goes toward paying debts.…

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